martedì 15 dicembre 2015



It’s called the ‘Roze agenda’ (litteraly the pink diary) and it’s a plan aimed at deeming Amsterdam a  ‘pink city’, in other words a gay destination. 

The Roze agenda is written and supported  by the Amsterdam City Hall wich intends to ensures, with different  initiatives, that the capital of the Netherlands is a safe, international and attractive city for the LHBTI community.

LHBTI is a definition for Lesbian, Homosexual, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex people. This last group, the Intersex, has been recentely added  to identify a person that is still ‘’questioning’’, that is looking for a sexual identity

The Amsterdam City Council has allocated 350.000 euros towards initiatives aimed at promoting values as tollerance and acceptance trough the Roze Agenda. Many sectors, institutions and organizations are involved. Starting with the school.
Extra attention will be dedicated for training of teachers in subjects as sex education and to open dialogs with the ‘pink’ parents, a group that, according tot he City Coulcil, will increase over the next years.

Just few days ago, the 11th of December, the initiative ‘Pars vrijdag’ (Purple Friday) took place in the public schools  throughout the country. All the students were invited to wear something purple  to encourage openness about these topics with motto’s such us ‘be yourself’ and ‘Love is love’.

The motto on the web site of initiative 'Purple friday'.

 Another important matter is the security. That's why some actions will be taken by the police to encorage more people to report abuses.  

But also the cultural and art world gives its support the LHBTI community . Recently the exibition ‘Transmission’ dedicated to the Transgender thema took place at Museum of Amsterdam. The gender ‘neutral’ toilet (you see the board in the picture below) are part of the exibition and all genders are welcome to use the same toilet.  

The neutral gender toilets in the museum od Amsterdam

This tolerant approach, paired with extensive rights legislation, makes Amsterdam been mostly considered as a destination where gay people are welcome (In the Netherlands the same-sex marriages have been legal since 2001 and the law permits the same-sex couples to adopt children since 2005). 


Amsterdam's atmosphere allows the city to be an ideal location to host the Euro Pride, the gay festival that this year will be held here and that will coincide with the Gay Pride. From the 23th of July to the 6th of August, ''the freedom will be celebrate'', explain the organizers. The program will include many activities, debats and events. The Festival will culminate in the world famous canal parade that this is year is expected by the organizers to be ''bigger ythan ever''.   

A picture of the Canal Parade in Amsterdam during the Gay Pride

Note of the blogger: this is the first time that I decided to write my post in English. I know that my command of the the language is far from be perfect. My apologies for the mistakes you migh find in this text.

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